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LolliPopping / Defoliation

Lollipopping is the removal of unwanted under growth such as branches that are not growing healthy or that are producing larf. By spreading the larger branches we can penetrate to the core of the plant, allowing removal of undergrowth. If not removed, defoliation is impossible and bud growth will finnick. The defoliation of cannabis or CBD is the removal of fan leaves multiple times before harvest, this is not to be confused with wet trimming. It is very important to defoliate to allow ambient light within the undergrowth which will promote healthy and larger bud sites, providing a higher yield.



Per Trimmer             Team Manager (1 per 10 Trimmers )

$18.00 Per Hour        $30.00 Per Hour

Hand / Machine Dry Trimming / Hanging

Hand and Machine Trim plants into 4 categories, Big Buds, Little Buds, Processing and Waste. Cut the colas then strip leaves into sifting bin (most efficient for dry trimming). Machine Trim with Less crew and less delicacy to the end product a machine trim can optimize harvest efficiency and output.



$175.00  Per Lb.

Per Trimmer             Team Manager (1 per 10 Trimmers )

$18.00 Per Hour        $30.00 Per Hour



Harvesting / Wet Trimming

Before harvesting, you must decide. If you would like to wet trim, then dry; harvest, then buck and dry; or harvest to hang dry for trimming at a later date.



$80.00 Per Lb.

Per Trimmer             Team Manager (1 per 10 Trimmers )

$18.00 Per Hour        $30.00 Per Hour



Hanging / Drying / Wheighing / Reporting

Team leads confirm weights in bins of each individual trimmer, Weights totaled are then compared with facilities lead for sign off. We are proficient in most seed to sell systems and do offer a full reporting and data entry service. 




Per Trimmer             Team Manager (1 per 10 Trimmers )

$18.00 Per Hour        $30.00 Per Hour

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